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Change is inevitable!!

It was a lovely farewell dinner with beloved coworkers!!

Sep 14 ,2018 – Well, the day started very emotionally – to pack my belongings and move out of that place ! I spent more than 10 years loitering there ,waving and speaking to everyone who pass by my desk!! I used to call it “my second home” – In fact we all spend more time at work and with co workers than at home or with kids !

That cubicle knows how much I learnt, how much I have grown, changed, made friends, had fun , struggled, frustrated , succeeded, tried, cried – of course I am loyal to the core all the more reason that leaving is hard for me!

But, decision to move out was not instantaneous – it was planned , lots of thoughts put on it , self debated for many days and finally decided what is best for me and everyone around me! It could be taken as upgrading myself, exploring something new , or just need a change !

The first emotional challenge was sense of guilt , what will happen if I leave this team which I built with strong relationships with people- Am I self obsessed?? I am sure ,It should be just matter of time , once things are moved into the right hands it will be taken care ! So I kinda prepared that for few months , so there is no major challenge while I leave.

The second emotional obstacle, I would say is letting go off the habit / routine built for so many years! I can walk in anytime get things down call x and speak to Y and get work done – I am sure it wont be that easy elsewhere may be initially.

We all learn how to cope in particular work environments – how to relate to people, how to dress, how to act, what can be questioned, what should be accepted, and so on. When We switch to a new environment, however, have to figure out how to behave all over again.

Trying to push myself out of the comfort zone ! Again , change is always like this , adapting to a new place will take time ! But still why that anxiousness – are these phrases still true ? – “known devils are better than unknown angels “, sounds like created by some lame lazy person who just did not explore anything in life !!

Well , after overcoming many such emotional obstacles, I decided one day to speak out to my manager with a heavy heart ! It came as a shock to him as well , but after hours of discussion he found out that I am strong in what I have decided!

But, though I evaluated each obstacle and knew how to overcome it, there were few unknown as well. For people who switch job quiet often – this might be easy or for people who work in bigger organisations it could be even more simple ! This entire blog might look over dramatic too – but for a person who started a career in a company with 60/70 people and watched it grow to 600 it is a major decision! And being instrumental for such a growth makes me proud too!

And for many reasons, I had to keep my decision as a secret to the rest and had to let the cat out of the bag , exactly the day before I was about to leave !

It went as a last adieu mail from me – It was over whelming and shocking to my friends , well wishers and my team members! That day Was a real roller coaster emotional ride and made me feel like ” I am not that bad person after all ” ” I have done a good job so far “, had even created an impact in few people , and built a strong bond with many!

The most cherish able moment after so many days of hard work !

What an amazing journey I had through out? Being a technical sales person – learning new technologies is part of my core job ! Understanding sales strategies and knowing competitors ,But trust me this is the simplest of all !! – You can be mentored ,can get trained easily, online courses and many through direct experiences as well and there is no limit for such learning. All you need is dedicate some time to learn and hone skills !

But what is something which I treasure is “understanding people “- learning to deal with the good and bad. “leadership qualities”- get the work done without frustrating anyone , if you don’t make friends with everyone at work at least better not to make any enemy at work !

These are life lessons and prepares one to grow higher whenever we are stuck, makes you tougher and stronger as years pass by! That’s the experience which I gained in this place, well building a career is not one day lesson or a defined 3/4 year course , its an ongoing process , lots of ups and downs and a rough journey – I am sure many can relate to this !

first day after I Announced my decision to everyone, another beautiful life lesson was waiting for me – how people can change so quickly!!! 😁

One side was happy to know that many acknowledged and walked into my place to wish me luck , and planned a lovely farewell- though with few I have not even worked closely, but still took few minutes to bid a parting Bye, and on the other side few sales team, with whom I worked, traveled and spent hours together , for whom I have burnt my midnight oil, did not bother to even acknowledge my last mail or my personal message ! That’s how the world is !!! Ah, I know and have heard this from many do not trust anyone at work and don’t be loyal to any firm – corporate is full of people who will turn you down ! But how can you spend your time at work if you don’t trust each other , share your work , discuss, brainstorm and learn from others ! I can’t imagine working in a place without being loyal and trusting others!! Thats how I am !

Well, it does not matter to me, the best lesson I carry forward, even as simple as sharing a morning wish , a friendly smile , and creating a happy atmosphere to work even in tight schedule is important! Forget about the people who didn’t recognize or acknowledge, there will be always such people travelling along with you using your hard work but just remember the best memories we could cherish and keep smiling , and don’t forget to thank the security guard who opened the gate for you today !

Have a nice day !

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